Monday, February 9, 2015

Apps Every College Student Needs

I know college right?! So much to do, so little time. Hopefully some of these apps will help you just make it through this you can do it all over again in a few months. Positivity at its finest.

1. Dictionary
You read something online or in your text book only to have no idea what you just read. AHH!  Never fear Dictionary is here. As you can assume by the name it gives you the definition of any words.  Pretty self explanatory. It can really help you decode those online papers that the Dr. or that Prof. wrote. (I also really love the thesaurus feature. It makes you sound smarter)

2. Google Drive
If you don't know much about Google Drive it works wonders for group projects. You can upload files from anywhere and it then allows you anyone invited to edit it. Easy to use, there's a few features that you just have to look around for. It also works well for transferring files from one computer to another (use it as a flash drive). All you need is a Google account to access and use it.

3. Easy Bib
Ooh the wonderful laws of the United States! Plagarism? Copyright? Pssh, who needs credit for their wonderful and brilliant works? Kidding, but it is a pain the butt when it comes to college and writing papers. This app works wonders when your teacher requires you to have book sources. The bad part is that it only works for books. Sometimes you get those nice teachers who let you have all internet sources but then the website for that. (

4. SparkNotes
You're supposed to read a 300 page book about Socrates...yeah, that's going to happen. How important could he have been anyways? We all have those days where opening the textbook is just too much of an effort. It's always a challenge to decide between reading and watching Netflix. Thanks to SparkNotes and its quick summaries you can head into class having "read" the assigned chapters out of "Socrates." Especially for tough literature it's nice to get an explanation. It also provides study questions based on the book you read.

5. Quizlet
I started using this app in my high school Spanish class and fell in love with it in college. It allows you to create flashcards for individual classes and play games (although games work better on a laptop). It's especially super helpful if you have a bunch of definitions to memorize.

6. MyStudyLife
I have a test Monday in Bio, a project for Marketing due Friday, 2 quizzes, regular am I supposed to remember this? I got your back. I don't know how I've lived without this app for so long! I love it. I can put the times and rooms of my classes, due dates for assignments, when tests are, etc. It's a lot easier than an assignment book since your phone goes with you where ever you do. It also notifies you when you have something to do.

7. Self Control
Self control. Sure, that's why I just watched half a season of FRIENDS on Netflix and a whole pizza. Self control is NOT one of my top skills. The Self Control app is there to help you out. You can pick the applications that it will let you into and the ones you don't. It also can calculate the amount of time you've spent studying. With Self Control you can monitor how much time you actually spend studying.

8. Wunderlist
Ramen, beer, pizza, mountain dew. That's all that's on a college kids list right? Well, if you do more shopping or like to make lists of movies to see Wunderlist is a good app to get. It allows you to create a list for anything and they're all stored in the same place! I loveeee it!  It's super easy to use and extremely helpful. You can prioritize the items and check them off if when they're completed.


9. Songza
This is a great app for those music lovers. It's similar to Spotify and other music streaming apps but it has a ton of different  playlists for whatever mood you're for. It knows you need a different song for when your BF just slept with your sister's BFF's cousin's colleague than when you're in a pumped up dancing mood. You can favorite playlists and come back to them when you're feeling it again. The downside is you do have to use data for the streaming.

College humor pictures:
Android picture: Use the Android App - Androidify


  1. These apps sound great. College students definitely need apps to help them with their time management! I use Quizlet on the computer and had no idea it was available in an app. Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. I agree, I didn't know most of these had apps and will definitely have to try Wunderlist! It sounds really helpful!

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